goodlife physiotherapy is a private practice with experienced first contact practitioners, with no referral required.
Have you been involved in a Motor vehicle accident? If you have a claim number and are approved for Physiotherapy we can treat you and bill TAC directly. However, if your claim is rejected you are liable for your treatment fees.
Be assured you are in safe hands with our fully qualified team of staff.
Meet the team.
Tim treated me on 2 occasions within 24 hours of a Wry Neck diagnosis and gave me full range of movement/motion in the neck as well as significantly reduced the pain ...
Had my first experience with Tim yesterday and he provided allot of information that was easy to understand and importantly take away with me. He always explained as he went ...
Tim was recommended by a colleague of mine and I’m really glad I followed his advise. Tim has been awesome and my son has recovered quickly. Excellent with kids! ...